Study in your classroom, home or wherever you prefer.
Know how many days and how many materials you can take your procedure home.

How many materials and for how long can the home loan?

general collection
5 materials
1 month
1 renewal

Literary works
They have a special loan from
2 months
Teachers and collaborators

general collection
10 materials
1 month
2 renewals

Literary works
They have a special loan from
2 months .
Applies to the entire USIL community: students with current enrollment (USIL regular undergraduate, CPEL undergraduate, Double Degree program, CGE, Postgraduate School, School of Chefs, Institute of Entrepreneurs), teachers and collaborators of the campuses and locations that provide face-to-face service (Fernando Belaunde Terry, Alm. Miguel Grau and Lima Norte campuses).
The reference collections, periodicals, projects and special collections have RESTRICTED loans and can only be consulted ONLY in the Reading Rooms of the Libraries.
How to make a home loan?
Request materials for
take home!
online loan

Identify the materials of your interest, using the Online Catalog and note:
Remember to verify that it is in the FBT La Molina Library or in the Documentation and Research Center.

Apply for the loan by filling out the application form found here .

The staff in charge will search for the materials in the Library, and will send you a confirmation email, indicating the date and pick-up time.
Deliveries will only be made at the entrance of the Campus Arch. Fernando Belaunde Terry.

Come on the indicated date and shift, with your identification document.

Don't forget to return the materials within the indicated period!
just write to us indicating the date and time you will make the return.
Face-to-face loan

Identify the materials of your interest, using the Online Catalog and write down your classification code.

You can also choose the materials by going to your USIL Library and reviewing them directly from the Open Shelf.

Execute the loan of the materials using the Auto-Loan module.

If you need to renew the return date for more days, you can do it online , by entering your My Online Catalog User Account .
From there you can also verify the materials loaned in your name, their return dates, among others.

Don't forget to return the materials within the indicated period!
just write to us indicating the date and time you will make the return.

Módulo de auto-préstamo
Make your loans yourself with the Self-loan Module!
Speed, autonomy, privacy, are just some of the characteristics of the Self-checkout module.
Make your returns on time!
You can make your returns in the return mailboxes or service modules of the Libraries.

Los buzones de devolución que se encuentran en el campus Arq. Fernando Belaunde Terry y la sede Lima Norte, en cualquier horario.

Los módulos de atención de tu Biblioteca USIL más cercana, durante el horario de atención de la Biblioteca
How to request the loan of materials that are in another USIL Library ?
Request the materials that are in the other Libraries of the System, with the Library Express loan.

Facilitates the loan of up to 2 materials, which are in any of the USIL Libraries.
The loan has a maximum duration of 7 days.

Available to all members of the USIL Community: students with current registration, teachers and collaborators.
To request it, you must approach the Library service staff to start the process.
*Service not available.
What are the penalties for delays and losses ?
In case of delay in the return of the materials, the restriction of the home loan service will be applied for the same number of days of the delay.

In case of loss or deterioration of the materials, the replacement of the materials must be made, in original and in its latest edition.

In case of using the identification document of another person , or allowing it, the restriction of the home loan service will be applied for 15 business days.

Available to the entire USIL Community: students with current enrollment (Usil regular undergraduate, CPEL undergraduate, Double Degree program, CGE, Postgraduate School, Institute of Entrepreneurs, School of Chefs), teachers and collaborators, presenting their identification document.

Graduates who participate in degree programs can also access this service , with prior authorization from the Director of the Career / Program, through a memorandum addressed to the Library System Headquarters.

Do not forget that the loan applicant is solely responsible for returning the materials on time and in good condition.
keep learning
See related topics.